
Operator screen


Many times certain situations arise when an operator is faced with confusing questions about how the packaging of a particular product needs to be done. Getting the right answers to all of these questions is necessary to avoid escalating expenses, effort and wastage too. PackAssist can be used by anyone regardless of a Technical or Non-Technical background, as the operator will receive clear and graphical instructions. The application uses a simple, uncluttered and easy to use interface. Graphical images and videos are used to support instructions so the user can understand them better.

Manual In Operator Screen
In order to view the manual assigned to a product in the Operator screen, the user can choose from four different options. These determine the position where the manual will appear in the packaging flow displayed on the Operator screen. The options available are;

Don\'t show - The manual assigned will not be shown in the operator screen.

Show at end - The manual will be shown at the end of the packaging flow.

Show at beginning - The manual will be shown at the beginning of the packaging flow.

Show as general - A maximum of 8 manuals can be shown as general in the operator screen.

PackAssist is touchscreen optimized (optional feature) so navigation is easier and the user will be able to only see whatever data is required for him. All you need to start with PackAssist is a computer with an internet connection and a Barcode reader/scanner (optional) that is connected to the system.

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