
Packaging Materials


Packaging Materials are the building blocks of PackAssist and is the basic assortment of the packaging materials of a company.It is a major component of a package and the rest of the components are configured around the packaging material.Packaging materials added using PackAssist can be accessed by the user through the operator screen.After creation, the packaging material group is added to a concept while the specific packaging material will be added at the time of packaging. Being a major component, different packaging materials when combined with a single product and destination offer multiple packaging solutions.

How do I perform a Packaging Materials search?

A search can be performed either by selecting the or the search tab provided on the Packaging materials homepage. A search can be based on packaging material Name, packaging material description and property definition. Materials satisfying the search criteria will be listed as results.

How do I create/delete a Packaging Material /Packaging Material group?

Simply select the to create a packaging material group. If a packaging material group is already selected, selecting the will create a packaging material. User will be prompted to enter name and description for the packaging material/packaging material group upon creation. Note that a packaging material cannot be created without the existence of a packaging material group. To delete a packaging material/group, select the desired packaging material/group and click on the icon.

Can I edit Packaging Materials /Packaging Materials group?

Yes. You can edit the name and description of the packaging material/packaging material group by selecting the icon provided at the top right corner. An option to replace/remove the image of an individual material/group is also provided. You can upload an image either through the file uploader or through a webcam.

How do I change group for a Packaging Materials /Packaging Materials group?

You can select Change Group to transfer an individual material or a material group from one group to another. The transferred material will acquire the property definition of the new group. Selecting the Change Group in a packaging material group page allows you to transform the selected group into a sub group. This transfers the whole group and its entire contents to a new group. In this case the property definition will be unaffected.

How do I add documents/manuals to a Packaging Materials /Packaging Materials group?

Documents and manuals can be attached to existing packaging materials/packaging material groups. Select on the to upload a document/manual under the documents/manuals tab. The supported document formats are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, xlsx, doc,docx,rtf, txt, pdf.Please note that manuals have to be created before attachment.

Is it possible for me to tag a concept to a Packaging Materials group?

Yes. An already created concept can be attached to a packaging materials group. Under the Concepts tab, select on the to add a concept to the packaging materials Group.

Can I add property definitions for a single Packaging Material rather than a Packaging Materials group?

Property definitions have to be defined for a packaging material group. Only then will the packaging materials in the group acquire the property definition of that group. The only change you can make in the packaging material is in the property value.

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How do I view the packaging related to a Packaging Material?

Select the 'Packaging' tab in the individual packaging material page. All the packaging assigned to the material will be listed down with details.Select any one of them to go view the packaging details.

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