


A Packaging is the finished form of concept containing a product, packaging material and a destination. It is the last and final component of the packaging solution viewed on the operator screen.To create a packaging, the user needs to add the product, packaging material and destination details to the already created concept.The packaging will capture the product and packaging materials in detail.It will store product details, packaging material details and destination details to ensure a safe and complete packaging.After inputting all the components and providing values for property definitions, the packaging can be released.Releasing the packaging is the last and final step for completing packaging the solution.Packagings also include a revision and a status feature explained in detail below.

How do I perform a Packaging search?

A search can be performed either by selecting the or the search tab provided on the packaging homepage. A search can be based on packaging name and description. Packagings satisfying the search criteria will be listed as results.

How do I create a Packaging?

After creating and releasing a concept,the user can select the 'Add Packaging' link to create a packaging for your concept. The created packaging will be stored in 'Packaging' where you can complete your packaging solution. You will be prompted to enter name and description for the packaging upon creation. By default, the packaging will be grouped in the 'In Progress' status.

How do I delete a Packaging?

To delete a packaging select the .Please note that only packagings stored in 'In Progress' can be deleted.

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What are the steps to finish preparing a Packaging?

After creating a name and description for a packaging, you will be directed to a screen where you can select the product and the packaging material(s). Completing this step creates a relationship between the product group and the destination. Note that the product and packaging material groups have already been selected in the concept stage and you can only select products/packaging materials from the selected group. The next step is to finish inputting all the property definition values and conditions for the product and packaging(s). After this final step, you can select release packaging which completes the packaging solution and automatically stores it inside 'Released' group.

How do I create a new revision for a Packaging?

If you want to customize a released/outdated/expired packaging, select the New Revision link to create a new revision. The New Revision link creates a blueprint of the selected packaging and store it inside 'In Progress' where you can customize it as whole.

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How do I change status for a Packaging?

Packagings are automatically classified into statuses upon creation/completion. Each status will contain an array of Packagings. If a packaging is still under development, it will be stored inside 'In Progress'. After release, the packaging will be automatically transferred into the 'Released' group. You can transfer a concept to 'Outdated' and 'Expired' by selecting the Change Status link. If a packaging is 'Expired', the corresponding concept is automatically transferred to 'Expired'.

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How do I add documents/manuals to a Packaging?

Documents and manuals can be attached to existing Packaging inside 'In Progress'. Select the to upload a document/manual under the documents/manuals tab. The supported document formats are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, xlsx, doc,docx,rtf, txt, pdf. Please note that manuals have to be created before attachment.