


A Destination will contain all the necessary information related to the transportation details of the package. It will capture information regarding the transportation location, transportation medium and travel details. It will capture all the vital information to ensure a successful and hassle free delivery. A product and a packaging material(s) will be linked with the destination during concept creation. Hence there will be multiple destinations for a single product and the user will be able to select the best available package in case of multiple destinations.

How do I perform a Destination search?

A search can be performed either by selecting the or the search tab provided on the destination homepage. A search can be based on destination name and destination description. Destinations satisfying the search criteria will be listed as results.

How do I create/delete a destination?

Simply select the to create a destination. User will be prompted to enter name and description for the destination upon creation. To delete a destination, select the desired destination and click on the icon.

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Can I edit a destination?

Yes. You can edit the name and description of the destination by selecting the provided at the top right corner. An option to replace/remove the image of an individual destination is also provided. You can upload an image either through the file uploader or through a webcam.

How do I add documents/manuals to a destination?

Documents and manuals can be attached to existing destinations. Select the to upload a document/manual under the documents/manuals tab. The supported document formats are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tif, tiff, xls, xlsx, doc,docx,rtf, txt, pdf. Please note that manuals have to be created before attachment.