Manuals are the content that will act as the user's guide for the operator. Manuals are intended to give step by step information to the operator in his preferable language. In PackAssist, Manuals are defined in the Manuals module. All Manuals are built with a series of steps that could be in the form of Video, Images,PDF or HTML pages and these can be used in various manuals. Manuals can be attached to Products, Product groups, Packaging Materials, Packaging, Concepts.
In Operator Screen
In order to view the manual assigned to a product in the Operator screen, the user can choose from four different options. These determine the position where the manual will appear in the packaging flow displayed on the Operator screen. The options available are;
Don\'t show The manual assigned will not be shown in the operator screen.
Show at end The manual will be shown at the end of the packaging flow.
Show at beginning The manual will be shown at the beginning of the packaging flow.
Show as general A maximum of 8 manuals can be shown as general in the operator screen.
Image Specifications
Once a product / packaging material / destination / question option is added; a 'Change Image' link in each module allows the user to upload a new image. There aren't any size limitations as PackAssist automatically resizes the image to fit the image window. Images are only scaled down and not scaled up. The accepted image formats are jpg, jpeg, png, gif. For an image of unsupported format the following warning message will appear;"Invalid file extension. Allowed formats are jpg, jpeg, png, gif."
To search for a Manual, click on the
icon and enter the name of the Manual in the Search Bar. The search results corresponding to this will be listed down.
icon denotes the Manual. To add a Manual, select this icon and click on the
icon.Enter the Manual Name, Manual Description and select the required Manual Type from the drop down menu in this field.Click on
to save the added Manual. Click on
to cancel the added data. To delete a Manual, select the manual and click on
icon denotes Steps. To add a Step, select this icon and click on the
Enter the Step name and click on
to save the Step. Select the type of step that needs to be added whether it is a Video URL,PDF, Picture from Webcam, HTML Editor. Select the same for all Languages if the steps added need to be same for all languages. Click on the
icon to save the added file. Refer Overview
for Instructions on Image from Webcam.
Once a file has been added or uploaded. A Remove File link will appear on the right side and this can be used for the same.
You can add a step to Packaging by selecting the packaging material component in the Packaging module and then using the Packaging Info Tab. You can select the required step that needs to be added from the drop down menu that says Choose Step. Once the step is chosen,click on the
icon to the save the added step.