The Operator can log in using a username and password. Once in, he can go to the personal settings pop up screen below. Here the operator can change password, select language from the 6 options available and also select unit of measurement.
Scenario 1 is a straightforward scenario when there is one product with one destination. A video with the packaging instructions will follow for the selected packaging.
Scenario 2 is when the product entered has multiple destinations. In this case multiple Product Packaging combinations are found. Once a destination is selected, the corresponding packaging instructions video will follow.
Scenario 6 is when the product entered is an Unknown product. You will be asked to enter dimension values and if a packaging corresponding to this is available then the instruction video will follow. Part A is when a best fitting packaging has been found.
Part B in Scenario 6 is when no fitting package based on the dimensions entered has been found.
The products basic video shows how groups, sub-groups and products are added and steps to add and define properties as well.
Select a product from under a Product Group and then select the Assign Packaging link. Select a destination from the drop down menu in the flow. If there are no existing packaging combinations for that destination, then a message stating the same will appear. Depending on the number set for the Best Fitting Limit in Setting module, a blue line appears to demarcate the best fitting combinations and the least fitting ones.
Property definitions have to be defined for a packaging material group. Only then will the packaging materials in the group acquire the property definition of that group. The only change you can make in the packaging material is in the property value.
Simply select the
icon to create a destination. Enter name and description for the destination upon creation. To delete a destination, select the desired destination and click on the
To add concepts select the
icon to create a concept. You will be prompted to enter name and description for the concept upon creation. By default, the concept will be grouped in the In Progress status. To delete a concept select the
icon. Only concepts stored in In Progress can be deleted.
To update a packaging added to a concept that is in progress. There is a feature to overwrite existing packaging information with updated information.
This video shows how to create a packaging in the Concepts module. For this you need to add a packaging and then release a completed packaging.
Packaging are automatically classified into statuses upon creation/completion. If a packaging is still under development, it will be stored inside In Progress. After release, the packaging will be automatically transferred into the Released group. You can transfer a concept to Outdated and Expired by selecting the Change Status link. If a packaging is Expired, the corresponding concept is automatically transferred to Expired.
If you want to customize a released/outdated/expired packaging, select the New Revision link to create a new revision. The New Revision link creates a blueprint of the selected packaging and store it inside In Progress where you can customize it as whole.
To delete a packaging select the Manual icon and only packaging stored in In Progress can be deleted.
Select the
icon and click on it. Enter the Manual Name, Manual Description and select the required Manual Type from the drop down menu in this field. Click to save
the added Manual
icon denotes Steps. To add a Step, select this icon and click on the Enter the Step name and click on to save the Step. Select the type of step that needs to be added whether it is a Video URL, PDF, Picture from Webcam, HTML Editor. Select the same for all Languages if the steps added need to be same for all languages. Click on the
icon to save the added file. Refer Overview for Instructions on Image from Webcam.
You can add a step to Packaging by selecting the packaging material component in the Packaging module and then using the Packaging Info Tab. You can select the required step that needs to be added from the drop down menu that says Choose Step. Once the step is chosen, click on the
icon to the save the added step.
The Operator Registration Screen is what appears for a company when the registration module has been configured. The Registration process may be started through this screen or this can be skipped by choosing the Packaging Instructions. The registration module includes a set of predetermined questions that are administered to the operator for arriving at a suitable packaging for a product.
In the settings module the user can only edit using the
, the role of each user and also to set the product permissions to View all or View specified. A company can decide to give individual employees of their partner certain permissions.
For the working of Print Module make sure that Java is installed in your workstation and Java Plugin is activated in your web browser.
You can download and install Java from here:
First time using the print module a user will be shown the following screens for security reasons. These certificates and application must be accepted in order to make the print module operational.
If you are unable to perform these instructions please ask your ICT department to help.
Changing the printer can be done per individual user with the personal setting button at the bottom right. By clicking on "Set printer" the user can set or change per label type the (label) printer he or she is using that day.
A label must be coupled to a Step. This will be done in the Manual menu, at the "Step tab"; an additional tab is added named "Labels". In this tab the administrator or manager can select the label.
This label can be selected from a dropdown list of available labels, at the "Select label" position. The selected label is shown immediately below this position (not editable!).
Only a Master administrator can make labels available to all or individual partners.To make labels available to all partners one has to activate the permission box of the settings home screen.
When the tick box "Print module for all partners" is activated then all partners will be connected AND all new partners will automatically also be connected.
Partners tab:
In the partners tab, one can individually set which Partner will have access to the print module in the "Labels" column. Default setting per partner is "off".
'The packaging instructions' core function is offering easy accessible and visual instructions. Therefore, the printing functionality in the packaging instructions should support the instruction process. Any packing process interruption should be avoided, unless required by the administrator. Moreover, label printing should be triggered at the moment that it adds most value to the packaging process. The operator is able to print a label in accordance with the (by the administrator) selected label, step and print options in the PackAssist print module.