Only the users that have been assigned the Administrator role can view and edit the settings. The users that have been assigned the Manager, Contributor and Operator role cannot view the settings page. The main features of the settings page are Users, Departments, Partners and properties. The 'Change logo' icon allows you to update Company information and company logo. The
icon on the right allows you to edit the different settings. The
will allow the user to cancel or remove features. The added information will only get updated if it is saved using the
The default settings tab of a company will show the address and the billing address of that company. The languages selected by the company will be displayed in the languages field.
The other major feature that can be set here is the Operator Screen settings. This determines how the screen will look for the operator.The default layout is set to Pacific. The Assign Packaging will allow the operator to assign / select a packaging provided the options chosen are 'Yes, Known'or 'Yes,Unknown'.This allows the operator to assign a new packaging for a known product and for an unknown product.If it is an unknown product there is another criteria that has to be fulfilled. The 'Use in operator screen' for creating a new product checkbox needs to be selected for a Product Group in the Products Module. If the option selected is 'No', then the operator will not be able to assign a packaging. The 'Best Fitting Limit' is where you can set the number of suggested packaging that is available for a particular product. The maximum limit is set to 5.
For more on Best Fit & Fitting Conditions Click Here
The final checkbox called Show status of combination need to be checked for the Operator to view the status of the selected combination in the Operator Screen; i.e. whether the combination has been, Proposed, Reviewed, Approved or Declined. The Administrator can decide whether he wants this status to be displayed.
In the Permission field; if the Partner in user level box has been checked, the user can Edit/Assign both the roles assigned to the company as well as the roles of all the users of that company. If the box has been unchecked, then only the roles assigned to the company can be Edited/Assigned. A Packaging Manager of the particular company can also be named here. An update on any new packaging assigned by the operator will be sent via email to the packaging manager. The id given can either be of a group or an individual.
For more on permissions & roles Click Here
The Licenses Section in the Settings module gives the user an idea of the total number of Languages that the company has selected for providing instructions to the users. This is displayed with the help of the country flag icon
For more information on languages Click Here
The License type whether Partner or Master is shown here and also the total number of concurrent user licenses that the company has purchased. For those companies that have enabled the Registration module; an additional checkbox related to this is also visible. On clicking the Edit icon, there is an option called Request More which allows you to request for extra languages or user licenses. Once this is opted for, a mail regarding this will go to the concerned approver.
All the fields are mandatory under user tab and a warning message stating the same will appear if you attempt to save without completing all the fields.
On checking the box that says 'Use webcam for images', the user will be able to enable the Image from Webcam link that is available in the Products, Packaging Materials, Destinations and Manuals. This can be used for uploading the required images. The 'Use Webcam for images on Operator screen' need to be checked to allow the operator to use a webcam on the operator screen. If this has not been checked then the operator will not be allowed to enable a webcam. The second option will appear only if the first option has been selected. Refer Overview for Instructions on using Webcam.
on the right side of the settings Tab will allow the user to edit data. The
needs to be selected to save or update any information that has been added.
A Change Logo link will appear on the top right corner of the page that will allow you to upload a logo of your company. The acceptable formats are 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'. Any files with unfamiliar extensions will get a message stating 'Invalid file extension'.
Properties can only be added or removed at the super administrator level. Users in the Manager or Administrator role can only select or deselect properties defined.
on the right allows the user to add or remove a department. A brief description on the concerned departments can also be added.
In the settings module the user can only edit using the
.The role of each user and also to set the product permissions to View all or View specified. A company can decide to give individual employees of their partner certain permissions. This individual permission given to the employee cannot be higher than the effective role and only be lower than the role. For e.g. If a Company named A has assigned a Manager role to a Company named B. Further to this, the employees of Company B can only have the roles of Contributor and Operator and Manager and not Administrator.